So, go to your MyCareer. Particularly on a brand new profile that's been through all the basic tutorials. Head to Brickley's Gym located on your City map. Then, enter the building, and play your first game by speaking with the NPC inside. When your badge progress gets loaded at the end the game, end of NBA 2K22 MT the game.
Reload, immediately accelerate your speed using the appropriate bumper. If the glitch is done right, you'll see that the game still acts as though you never played that game, but you still get to keep any badges or VC you have earned from the previous victory. So, just keep playing your first game, and keep winning and enjoy the money.
Another easy VC method that's been making waves on the 2K scene over these past few hours is an issue with the current generation courts. Particularly, this glitch works best on the 10k VC courts, however it's technically applicable on NBA 2K MT any court that you'd like to win a small reward.