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Riya Simla
May 12, 2022
In General Discussions
Of Persuasion and what is it not? The psychology of Mexico Phone Number List is a branch of social psychology that studies human behavior to understand what are the reasons that make people change their behavior under external influence. Persuasion is sometimes confused with manipulation, but nothing could be further from the truth. Persuasion involves developing the ability to convince people to act in a certain way. It supposes an analysis and understanding of the psychological reality of the individual, offering him the necessary information so that he reaches a Mexico Phone Number List that makes him adopt behaviors. Doesn't this sound like creating your Buyer Persona profile as a first step? Here I leave the question for you to think about... On the contrary, manipulation does not Mexico Phone Number List a true conviction, but uses any means to achieve behaviors and distorted information is offered as appropriate. Consequently, the behaviors generated as a result of manipulation Mexico Phone Number List less durable over time, since they are maintained until the "badly intentioned" motives are discovered. Unlike persuasion, where behaviors can be repeated over and over again because it assumes that there is an own elaboration. A conviction! It is true that persuasive techniques can be used to manipulate, but let's not confuse the means with the end. The psychology of Persuasion and the principles Mexico Phone Number List Marketing The chicken or the egg? Psychology and marketing are disciplines that have a common point, since both deal with, neither more nor less, than the study of people. In both cases, it is about understanding the behaviors, needs and problems, as well as the goals, purposes, dreams and aspirations of people and that constitute the pillar of all subsequent work. In psychology, the central Mexico Phone Number List points to the study of the psychological processes of the human being and knowing a little about its fundamentals will be a competitive advantage for all marketing professionals.
Riya Simla
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